Monday, October 21, 2013

I'm just getting started.

Yes I am.  I'm just getting started with putting up this blog to talk about my adventure in weight loss, getting fit and staying fit.  Well, this is why:

And, this is why:
     More than two years ago now I was comfortable with my self, content with how I felt, how I looked and where I was physically, mentally & spiritually.  My wife encouraged me to do something that I talked about doing several times, but never did anything about it.  She encouraged me to sign up for a weight loss challenge.  At the time I was around 217 pounds, and really didn't think to much about it.  Nearly 9 weeks after dedicating myself to the challenge, I lost 19 pounds, 4 inches and 4% body fat in 9 weeks.
     One thing that it showed me is that there is always room for improvement.  But, not just physically.  I noticed that my two kids were watching and paying attention.  That's when my heart changed from doing this for me to doing this for them.  I knew I wasn't alone either.  Beside my wife standing by my side during this transformation and felt a stronger presence.  My spiritual strength had exploded in my heart.  After 2 years, I am now down to 175 pounds, doing things I never would have thought about doing, like running in Half Marathons, etc. Now, I feel like I'm being asked to do the same thing my wife did for me, I'm being directed to do this for others. 
     A month ago, by the grace of God, doors opened and I approached my church about starting a small men's Fit and Faith group.  On October 8th it happened.  We meet once a week, share our stories, have a short prayer session and then put in an intense 25 minute work out.  We are a small group, but we will get bigger.  More doors will open.  More opportunities will present themselves.  And more importantly more men & women will come to the Lord through staying fit. 
     Please continue to follow me, my family and our group as we pave the way to the Lord through staying fit, keeping active and eating right. 


  1. I am proud you are starting this blog, and you're officially in my reader so I can see every new post you make!

  2. You're amazing my man. Excited to follow this journey of yours.
