Friday, October 10, 2014

Now is the time

Its been just over a year since I've been a BeachBody Coach.  I've loved every aspect of it and love telling about my transformation, but I mostly like hearing about others.  I have shared my storyRachel & Steve shared their story and my friend Sharon...she shared a pretty awesome story too.

All these people have continued their success and have decided that they are not going back any time soon.  I'm going to do something I typically don't do very often and that's brag for a few.  

My first objective when I started BeachBody was to lost weight.  I wasn't happy with the way I felt. I knew I was able to do more.  My wife and I first started with INSANITY and that is when my appreciation toward these work out videos started.  It was a 60 day program that I did twice.  My problem was I had poor eating habits, that didn't change much.  Sound familiar?  I brushed it off thought nothing of it.  Once I got more involved with the program and navigated the website I started reading and hearing more about this "Shakeology" product.  Each video had its own little commercial. forward.  I'm not interested.

A year had gone by since doing INSANITY, training for my first Half Marathon and not losing more weight.  I didn't know it at the time but I came across an old friend who has been a BeachBody coach for a couple of years and a personal trainer, one Dan Bahry.  Found his blog and we reconnected after several years.  Talking to him, sharing our stories of where we've been and where we've come from was inspirational.  Next thing I know, I'm all in.  Step one, what's the Shakeology all about?  Dan let me try some.

I don't do commercials, but one thing is certain, after doing Shakeology for a full year for breakfast I am now a HUGE fan!  Those final pounds I wanted to shed, gone.  The vitamins I was missing, I'm now I'm getting every day.  That energy let down in the middle of the day, also gone.  The Semi-annual allergy attacks in the Spring and Fall, long gone!  I am sold!

Next step, continue the programs.  Since my accident in May of 2013 I've had to be very cautious about the impact.  I continued to run, I cut down on the distance and time as I am still trying to get back to normal.  As the weather got worse, I didn't want to go out and risk adding to my injury.  Enter INSANITY: THE ASYLUM!  30 Days, athletic training and second most intense work out I've ever done.  Then out came T25.  My love affair with my trainer, Shaun T, continued.  25 minutes per day, 10 weeks, modifier, did I mention 25 minutes?  This carried me through the winter months into spring.  I continued with the Shakeology program and I felt like I didn't miss a beat all winter long.
I wouldn't be talking about these if I didn't trust that they work and if I hadn't tried them myself.

God has truly blessed me by surrounding me with so many great people that keep me motivated like my wife, Dan and my friends.  The tools to accomplish my goals and yours are there too.  I know. I've done it...I've seen it...I'm not done either.  

I encourage you to check out my coaching site.  If you want to even just give Shakeology a trial run, there is a trial pack with no commitment.  All these programs are there.  All these motivators are there too.    

We all have something in common.  We all clicked on this website for the first time.  Those of us that stuck around have not only changed our lives, but the lives of others that we love and love us.  Make that next commitment to yourself, be an example, and know you're not doing this alone.  I have a 15K I'm training for in November and a 4 miler on Thanksgiving morning.  After that...THIS!

Who's with me?!  I'm doing it.  Come on...DIG DEEP!  Lets go!

Coach Bill

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When your wife makes you proud...

You just have to brag about her!

She's been doing Cross Fit for almost a year now.  I'm so proud of her...and well she's now stronger than I am.

Check her out on their blog!  She's the athlete spotlight for October!  So cool.

Coach Bill