Just not quite yet.
Its been a while. Between family vacation, family events,
continued training and life things did get away from me for a while. I will post a few more blog posts over the
next week or so since the training will soon be more steady and the time will
be more consistent. It’s my own fault
for not keeping up with this.
Earlier in the year I set some pretty
big goals for myself and I’ve been working hard to get to them. Just not quite there yet.
Trust me, this doesn’t mean that I’m
going to give up on these goals. I just
realize I’m going to have to work even harder.
AND…looking at the calendar the year isn’t over yet.
Several friends & I ran in the Susan G Komen
race for the cure on the 27th.
First of all, its an amazing event for a great cause. That makes this so enjoyable. The amount of people impacted by this type of
event nationwide, knowing what several participants have either gone through
it themselves or known somebody that has gone through it makes you want to work
This is what agony looks like with 150 yards to go.
It was humid and warm. I pushed hard and set a new PR for my 5K
time. I finished the 3.1 miles in 21:29.1
at a 6:56/mile pace. Ran my fastest mile
yet (that includes training) at 6:07. By
the last ¾ of the last mile I was spent.
Gassed. Legs felt heavy. But there was pink everywhere and people
cheering you on. It hit me as I neared
the finish line. God forbid if I ever
have to go through something with my wife, son, daughter, mother…etc anybody close to me, their trials and journey will be so much harder than what I'm doing right now. Whatever pain, fatigue
or frustration I’m experiencing now during this run doesn’t even come close to
what others have experienced. Their hardships and heartaches of losing someone to
Breast Cancer. Watching some of the
survivors and family members taking part for lost loved ones is truly an
inspiration. May God Bless these people
and I pray for their healing and growth.
In the end, Susan G Komen is the median
in which the word gets out. But it’s the
survivors, the police officers throughout the run, the volunteers and the
families that make the event worth it.
We run. We have the easy part.
If it wasn’t for these guys waiting for me at
the finish, it would be even harder.
Plus, when I get a hug and a congrats
from this beautiful woman, what guy wouldn’t want to finish. Yes, I married up...several rungs too.
Coach Bill
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