Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Supporting Role

Sometimes sitting on the sidelines isn't always that bad.

This past weekend was the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon.  A part of me was exciting for everybody that I knew running in it and the other part of me wanted to be there running with them.

My wife even asked me if I was glad I wasn’t running in it.  I said, “No.  I’m kind of jealous.”  It is the training that makes it so hard, but race day is so much fun.  Even back in my younger days practicing and getting ready for a golf tournament there was something about the completion.  Beating the course or beating your time.  It makes the competition so much more exciting. 

I am proud of my friends that ran.  One friend had wanted to beat the 2 hour time frame for a Half Marathon.  He did it.  Another longtime friend of my wife and I wanted to break 3:40 Full Marathon and qualify for Boston…she did it and we couldn’t be more proud of her.  Both were commitment, put in the time and hard work.  They are inspirational and all around good people.  Just being an encourager can go a long way too.
I love the fact that my little ones continue to work hard at what they are doing too.  Despite all the rain and cold weather we’ve started soccer and baseball.  They continue to get better and better each season and I pray that they stick with it and continue to work hard.  But they need the support from Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, and other friends and family.  Faith, hard work and a great group of people around you pays off every time. 

Keep working hard and keep on encouraging others that are working hard.

Coach Bill

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