Thursday, December 18, 2014

Off and Running!

Pun intended.  In early November I shared with you my excitement about an up coming race that we are going to hold in 2015.

Needless to say, we are a go and have a great committee that is involved in outlining all details and promote the race and events that surround the week.  There is still a lot of work left and more of the details will follow after the first of the year.

Some of the details that are nailed down:

  • It will be a 5K & 10K race
  • It will be held on Friday June 26th
  • It will be a Twilight Run (race will start for both at 8:00pm)
  • Time keeper established (more on this after the 1st of the year)
  • Finish Line at Art Wright Stadium
There are still things I am excited to talk about...but just not there yet:
  • 5K Course Map
  • 10K Course Map
  • Race Logo & Shirts
  • I'm heading up the Volunteers...can't wait to start bragging about this even more
  • Countless other items!
I will have links and hopefully more photos within the next couple of weeks.  Until then we have a direction, but are still finding our way.  Not much different than these guys:

But we are so close.  I also plan on putting together a training guide.  I won't be able to physically run in this one, but I sure as heck can get ready for it!

Keep working hard and stay strong.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

2014 Running Season Recap

Done with 2014.  I set some pretty lofty goals for myself, at least that is how it felt at the time, and nearly obtained all of them.  Blast that sub 20 min 5K!  Next year I tell you!

I wrapped up my season on Thanksgiving morning, a very cold Thanksgiving morning I might add. It was a modest and hilly 4 mile run in downtown Akron Ohio.  There was only minimal training or preparation for this race after the Hot Chocolate Run, but I felt ready.  My goal was around 7:00 per mile.  I am shooting for that mark for next year when I run my 2 or 3 half's for 2015.  Wanted to know how I would feel after 4 miles at that pace.  Well, I didn't get there but I did break the 29 minute mark for the 4 miles (28:48 - 7:12 pace).  I was amazed by some of the times considering the conditions being so cold, snowy and slippery (saw one guy go down and he didn't get back up). There are a lot of good runners out there.  I want to be one when I grow up.

But it was a lot of fun and while running on Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) you have time to reflect on what you are thankful for.  I am truly bless with my health, my family, my friends and countless other blessings the Lord has provided.  I thank him daily.

Final Totals:

3 5K Races:  Best time:  21:29.1 (included one trail run) PR
1 15K Race: Time: 1:09:13 PR
2 Half Marathons: Best Time: 1:38:32 PR
1 4 Miler - mentioned above

I couldn't be happier with these times and the effort put into preparing.  Again, I know I am not alone when I'm training or racing.  Thank you to my wife that put up with all the time training and for the support and mostly for joining me in a couple of these.  This is the 1st year we've done this and I'm looking forward to years to come.  Thank you to my running group from church for helping me through personal objectives and goals.  They meant a lot to me and I think the 1st year was a success. Thanks to God for giving me the courage to do this and to put these people in my life.  His shove has shown me I'm capable of so much more.

Over the next several weeks and months I will be posting about the Wadsworth Matchstick 5K/10K that will be held in June 2015.  This is a totally new adventure but God has open doors and hearts in making this happen.  For all that I'm grateful for that has happened over these last 12 months, I am that much more excited to see what he has in store for the next 12 months.

Keep working hard, because as my daughter tells me, "The harder you work, the better you get."

God bless,

Coach Bill

Monday, December 1, 2014

Are you ready?!

Its here!


OH BOY!  I cannot wait!  Who is with me on this one?

Maybe it will just be you and the other person in the mirror.  Push play.  Push hard.  You'll notice the difference!

You can do it and I'll help you get there!

Coach Bill